Being able to share my personal experiences and adventures on my blog is something I really look forward to. I owe these adventures to the couples I work with, who are willing to share their intimate moments of life with me. So, here is my experience in going to Rome for Wayupnorth – Wedding Photography Conference. I wanted to learn something new, and to meet some of the top photographers from all over the world. But, that’s not all! A big reason I was excited to go was because I knew I’d have the opportunity to meet photographers that I “knew” through social media, but had never met before. You can never really know someone until you meet them in real life, after all! I can say I easily made new friends, and met some truly beautiful people with great personalities. The trip, and the interactions, allowed me to come back home feeling recharged, and full of positive energy.
As a photographer, I think it can sometimes be far too easy to get bogged down with shooting, editing, blogging, etc. While that’s obviously our livelihood, it’s also important to take a break once in awhile, and refresh your mind and creative spark with other like-minded people. A place like Wayupnorth is definitely the way to go!
It was my first time in Rome, an I couldn’t have enjoyed it any more if I tried – I fell in love with the city, and I’m actually pretty jealous of photographers who get to shoot weddings there all the time! From the vibrant colours, to historic buildings and monuments, and beautiful warm light – this is a photography heaven. The night-life in Rome is something I’ll never forget, including incredible food and exquisite wine. I left my workhorse DSLRs back in Ireland, and only took my super-sexy, small Fuji x100T, so here are a few pictures from the trip – Enjoy!
P.S. – Never judge someone based off their handshake! 😉